Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Speech about the importance of water Essay

Assalamualaikum and a very wonderful morning I bid to our lecturer and to all fellow classmates. This morning, it is my pleasure to share with all my audiences on my talk about the importance of water. As we know, water brings and sustains life in our planet. Water is something which we cannot do anything without it. After all, our bodies are made up of seventy percent water. It is quite possible to survive without food for more than a month, but without water we will perish in a matter of days. Ladies and gentleman, Before I go further with my speech, I would like to read the poem from the ancient mariner’s that cry of agony and despair in Samuel Coleridge’s poem that sound; Water, water, everywhere, And all the boards did shrink; Water, water, everywhere, Nor any drop to drink. This poem clearly points to the absolute need of suitable drinking water for survival. The mariner, being the only survivor left on his ship, is desperately lost at sea for months. Having used up all the ship’s store of drinkable water, he laments on his plight; surrounded by water on all sides, but not a drop to drink. Ladies and gentleman, Water is essential to life. We require water for washing and cooking, cultivating our field, and most important, for drinking. Life becomes impossible on earth without water. Imagine a drought situation: there are no rains; the rivers and lakes have dried up; and all plant-life lay dry and wasted. When we read about the origins of life on earth, we realize at once the importance role water had played in causing living things to come into existence. Water has those unique chemical elements and properties needed to nourish the living cells of living beings. Dearest comrades, Apart from the fact that water is essential to life, water is also man’s precious resource. Water is a source of energy. Water converted into steam can be used as fuel for driving vehicles fitted with water power. In conclusion, the importance of water cannot be measure. It is not only a source of life and energy, it also sustains life on the planet. We should all be duty bound to ensure that our sources of water remain unpolluted. That’s all for my speech today. Thank you for listening.

Diliman Preparatory School Essay

Introduction Meeting deadlines appear to be very stressful among students. They like to work at the very last days to run after the deadline. Cramming like a speedy horse in complying with a given specific task the day or night before. Why? It is a matter of upbringing or behavioral pattern that governs the mentality of a student thinking that he could work or think more intelligently and logically if the time has already been running out. Modern technologies like cell phone, internet, and television catch the attention and focus of the students in terms of doing school work. Facebook addiction as a form of leisure and going away from family or environmental problems has been accumulating throughout the daily lives of a number of students. More often than not, students blame their teachers about giving short deadlines and heavy assignments. Failure to meet submission deadlines is one of the causes why students get a low grade. Most teachers give a deduction in the grades if the student does not care with the period within which to prepare the task assigned. STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM This study aims to solve these following questions: 1. What are the disadvantages of not passing projects on time? 2. What are the solutions to the problems bought by the disadvantages? 3. How do the students deal with the set deadlines? 4. What are the factors that make high school students of Diliman Preparatory  School neglect to meet deadlines? HYPOTHESIS â€Å"High school students of Diliman Preparatory School have difficulties in meeting deadlines because of their personal priorities.† IMPORTANCE OF THE STUDY The goal of this study is to help the faculty members to know and understand why students fail to meet submission deadlines. This thesis will also assist the students to know their weaknesses, to change and deal with difficulties in school especially when submitting projects. It aims to help further related topics conducted by students on their research work. Furthermore, we would like to know what might cause the problem on school work. Likewise, the researchers want to know the possible ways to prevent failure in submission deadlines. DEFINITION OF TERMS Addiction- to much usage of something Deadline- the time by which something must be finished or submitted Extra-curricular activites- non-academic activities in school Laziness- declined to work Peer pressure- social pressure by members of one’s peer group Procrastination- the act of delaying something Resources- an available means Time management- setting of priorities in a given time SCOPE AND DELIMITATION OF THE STUDY This study is only covers the reasons why high school students of Diliman Preparatory School fail to meet submission deadlines. Conduction of survey will be done from both honors and non honors classes. Random students will be chosen as a sample to avoid biased results. This will only be limited within the Diliman Preparatory School campus. No other people from different campus can be part of this study. REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE Procrastination or â€Å"intentional delay†?  By Amy Novotney Procrastination hinders many graduate students, but sometimes delaying work to plan ahead or take a break can be beneficial. Jenny Cartinella cleans her apartment. Cathy Webber does math puzzles. Matt Kressin checks sports scores, and Carmen Ramirez Walker updates her Facebook page. All of them are psychology students putting off other tasks they’re supposed to be doing. It’s a tough habit to break, particularly these days when the Internet allows students to escape dissertation-writing frustrations with the click of a mouse. A 2007 meta-analysis by University of Calgary psychologist Piers Steel, PhD, reports that 80 percent to 95 percent of college students procrastinate, particularly when it comes to doing their coursework (Psychological Bulletin, Vol. 133, No. 1). Graduate students may be better than undergrads at fighting off procrastination, but they’re still pretty good at putting things off. In a 1997 survey, University of Denver School of Education professor Kathy Green, PhD, found that procrastination was one of the top reasons doctoral students failed to complete their dissertations (New Directions for Higher Education Vol. 1,997, No. 99). â€Å"Procrastination is a natural part of graduate school,† says self-proclaimed postponer Kressin, a clinical psychology student at the School of Professional Psychology at Forest Institute in Springfield, Mo. â€Å"It’s so important to learn how to deal with it.† What triggers students to clean out closets or wax the car when it’s time to work on their statistics paper? Usually it’s self-doubt, says procrastination researcher and Carleton University psychology professor Timothy A. Pychyl, PhD. â€Å"As students, you’re always being pushed out of your depths—that’s what learning is,† Pychyl says. Graduate students worry about performing inadequately or fear their success may raise others’ expectations of them, he says. Other students may actually think they get a thrill out of delaying their work and believe they work best under pressure, though that’s not borne out in the experimental data, says DePaul University psychology professor Joseph Ferrari, PhD. Several studies in Steel’s 2007 meta-analysis suggest procrastination is negatively related to overall GPA, final exam scores and assignment grades. â€Å"Students seem to remember the one time that maybe waiting until the last minute did pay off with a good grade, but they  forget the other nine times when it didn’t,† Ferrari says. Procrastination can also take a toll on a student’s mental health and well-being. In one 2007 study, Florida State University psychologists Dianne M. Tice, PhD, and Roy F. Baumeister, PhD, examined procrastination among students in a health psychology class. They found that early in the semester, procrastinators reported lower stress and less illness than non-procrastinators, but that late in the term, procrastinators reported higher stress and more illness (Psychological Science, Vol. 8, No. 6). Educational psychologist Bruce W. Tuckman, PhD, has devoted much of his career to helping procrastinators learn how to get to work. As director and professor of the Ohio State University W.E. Dennis Learning Center, Tuckman teaches a course on learning and motivation strategies that 1,000 students attend each year. The course teaches students psychological principles and theories about achievement, motivation, self-regulation and information processing. Students also complete a questionnaire asking about which of 15 common rationalizations (see sidebar) for procrastination they use most often. They then learn about the most common reasons for procrastination, including a fear of failure, and several actions to take to ensure they meet their deadlines (see sidebar). In a paper he presented at this year’s American Educational Research Association annual meeting, Tuckman provided evidence that the course may really work: Over seven years, students who took the class ended up with higher grade point averages—typically about 0.5 points higher in the semester after the course. They also reported higher college retention and graduation rates than a control group of matched students who did not take the course. â€Å"It really makes a significant difference,† he says. Yet a small subset of researchers proposes that not all procrastination behaviors are harmful or lead to negative outcomes. In a 2005 study in The Journal of Social Psychology (Vol. 145, No. 3), Jin Nam Choi, PhD, a business professor at Seoul National University in South Korea, differentiated between two types of procrastinators: passive procrastinators, who postpone tasks until the last minute because of an inability to act in a timely manner, and active procrastina tors, who prefer the time pressure and purposely decide to delay a task but are still able to  complete tasks before deadlines and achieve satisfactory outcomes. Choi and co-author Angela Hsin Chun Chu, a doctoral student at Columbia University, tested the 12-item scale they developed to distinguish the two procrastination types among a group of 230 undergraduates from three Canadian universities. They found that although active procrastinators reported the same level of procrastination as their traditional or passive counterparts, they demonstrated a productive use of time, adaptive coping styles and academic performance outcomes that were nearly identical to—and in some cases even better than—those of non-procrastinators. In a study published in April in the same journal, Choi and McGill University organizational behavior doctoral student Sarah V. Moran developed and validated an expanded measure of active procrastination and confirmed the 2005 findings. â€Å"From my own life and findings from these studies, I believe that procrastination characterized by these four effects—outcome satisfaction, preference for pressur e, intentional decision and ability to meet deadlines—is beneficial for individual well-being and performance,† Choi says. But graduate students shouldn’t view this research as a free pass to spend hours on Facebook when they should be developing a bibliography for their thesis, merely because they think they’re doing it purposefully, Pychyl says. He argues that Choi’s research points out the positives of intentional delay, which can be a necessary part of managing daily tasks while pursuing our goals, he says. â€Å"Delay and procrastination are not the same things,† Pychyl says. â€Å"Let’s not confuse deliberate, thoughtful delay of action with the lack of self-regulatory ability known as procrastination.† Instruments, Tools and Techniques We use questionnaire as our survey forms for this study. Random selection of 50 respondents was done in order to get unbiased result. We gather information from the internet in order to find related studies in our research. Data analysis and procedure The survey forms which are approved by the principal asked the respondents if they like doing projects, how many projects did they usually do in a quarter, what are the reasons why teacher set deadlines, how long is the submission of project-making prior to submission, what are the reasons why students fail to meet submission deadlines, and what is the possible solution in order to help the students meet submission deadlines. After getting the information needed, we tallied and used the proper formula to interpret the data and make conclusion. Sampling Procedure We used random as a sampling technique, wherein we chose randomly a subset of individuals from a larger set. Each individual is chosen randomly in every year level by chance. Statistical Treatment We use percentage method and ranking scale for Statistical method. Manual computation took place because we need to rank the reasons of failure of meeting submission deadlines. SUMMARY Most of the students don’t like doing projects. Usually they do 4-6 projects in a quarter. It’s good to know that majority of them meet submission deadlines. They think that teacher’s give projects to teach them proper time management. The duration of project making prior to submission deadline is commonly 2 weeks. Many of the respondents ranked laziness as the main reason why students don’t meet deadlines and setting priority is the best way students think in order to submit requirements on time. CONCLUSION Based on the results of our data, we can conclude that laziness is the main factor why students fail to meet submission deadlines. Laziness may lead to lack of time management, technology addiction, and other factors stated above. Lack of allotted time for project making affects the student’s performance. Having many projects and lack to time may lead to student’s dilemma. RECOMMENDATION We suggest for the next researchers to have a broad study about the solutions in order to help students meet submission deadlines. For the faculty members and school administrators, we recommend conducting a study or survey among

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

High School and Felicia’s Life Essay

A photo of Felicia with notes from her classmates.   The friend, Briana Torres, at 16 a year older and a grade ahead of Felicia, hugged her and walked her to sixth-period English class, the girls’ arms clasped around each other’s shoulders. On the way, Felicia cheered up enough to laugh at a joke, and make a joke of her own. But there were signs of unraveling. Late Monday night, she had posted a brief Twitter message: â€Å"I cant, im done, I give up.† After school Wednesday, Felicia walked to the Staten Island Railway station where many students board trains home. She waited impatiently for the train, and as it approached, she hurled herself backward onto the tracks. A friend grabbed her arm, but she twisted free. She was pronounced dead that evening. By the time her friends began to congregate in the hospital waiting room, posting messages on Twitter and Facebook in what would become a flurry of online speculation about her death, most had pinpointed a cause: Felicia had been bullied, they said, tormented by football players on Tottenville’s undefeated team. Some said she was teased because she had piercings and lived in foster care. Others said players had spread sexual boasts about her over the weekend, after Tottenville’s 16-8 victory over Port Richmond High School. To many friends, she appeared to weather the swirl of innuendo with her usual confidence. â€Å"She never really reached out for help; she was a really tough person,† Briana said Thursday, wearing a small tribute on her left wrist — an â€Å"RIP Felicia† inked in purple. â€Å"When I dropped her off at class, I wasn’t really worried about her.† Felicia had reported the taunts to an administrator, who arranged mediation sessions between Felicia and the boys she said were harassing her. Police are now investigating her death. Neither they nor the Education Department nor the school would comment on the bullying allegations. There was already little that was easy in Felicia’s life. Friends described her childhood as a patchwork of loss and instability: both her parents died when she was young, and she d isliked living with her aunt, said Kaitlyn Antonmarchi, 15, who said she had been Felicia’s best friend since eighth grade. At one point, Felicia ran away from her aunt’s house with an older man. After she entered the foster system, she bounced in and out of different homes, dyed her dark hair red and sprouted a cluster of piercings. With her latest foster parents, Felicia finally seemed happy and stable, Kaitlyn said. Moving to the other side of Staten Island, she started high school at Tottenville, improved her grades, let the dye wash out and eliminated most piercings. At Friday’s football game, Kaitlyn said: â€Å"She looked happy. She was laughing. It didn’t look like anything was upsetting her at all.† Bullying is common at the school, classmates said, but administrators usually acted to stop it, and it rarely reached the level that Felicia experienced. Tease Felicia, and she would come back with a quick, witty retort, said Alissa Compitello, 17, a senior. â€Å"If you tried to bully her, she’d laugh at you,† she said. â€Å"Somebody must’ve said som ething pretty bad about her for this to happen. They just wouldn’t stop.† On Wednesday, Felicia had asked Karl Geiling, 15, a sophomore at Tottenville, about how his test had gone. He saw her at the train station later. â€Å"I was way down, away from her,† he said. â€Å"All I heard was screams, and then everybody went silent.† At school on Thursday, many students wore black and purple, colors often associated with anti-bullying campaigns, and met with grief counselors. A crowd of about 500 gathered at the station in the evening, many holding candles. Someone had tied purple and black balloons to a chain-link fence overlooking the tracks, with notes and a photo fluttering alongside them. As their classmates created anti-bullying Facebook pages in Felicia’s honor Wednesday night, several football players took to Twitter to protest what they saw as the wholesale tarring of the team, which is a perennial favorite to win the Public School Athletic League championship. At least two seniors have been o ffered scholarships to play Division I college football. â€Å"None of you even no half the story so stop pointing fingers at the football team,† wrote James Munson, a safety on the team and the son of the team’s coach, Jim Munson. Another player, Richy Lam, a senior, said Thursday that many members of the team had not even known Felicia. In New York, an anti-bullying statute signed in 2010, one of numerous laws passed around the country in the wake of teenage suicides, requires schools to develop policies to deter harassment of students by other students, including education programs and disciplinary procedures. Prosecutions for student bullying are rare; perhaps the best-known case is that of Dharun Ravi, who was convicted of bias intimidation and invasion of privacy charges for using a webcam to spy on his Rutgers University roommate, Tyler Clementi, who committed suicide a few days later. Mr. Ravi was sentenced to 30 days in jail. â€Å"Bullying that violates criminal law can be prosecuted criminally, but not as bullying,† said Suzanne B. Goldberg, a law professor at Columbia Law School who directs its Center for Gender and Sexuality Law. Physical violence or threats of physical violence could be prosecuted, she said, â€Å"but what most often happens is that schools and prosecutors try to keep these situations out of criminal court which can be appropriate if the school system takes the incident seriously, punishes the offender and protects the victim.† It is not clear whether anyone will be disciplined in Felicia’s case. For some students, the school’s next challenge is Friday’s football game against the rival Curtis High School team, the last of the season, which may be pushed to Sunday. Felicia was a fan. When Kaitlyn last saw her, she said, she had been planning to cheer Tottenville this weekend. â€Å"She said, ‘Yeah, I’m going,’ † Kaitlyn said. â€Å"And I said, I’ll see you there.† Al Baker and Christopher Maag contributed reporting.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Strengths and Weaknesses of Labour Process Theory Essay - 1

Strengths and Weaknesses of Labour Process Theory - Essay Example This paper illustrates that Labour Process Theory (LPT) plays a fundamental role in management. It effectively controls the environment and supports the capital accumulation. Through this theory, it is going to analyze that what managers, owners are seeking for to maximize the profit and minimize the capital losses that extract the maximum labor or employees efforts.This LPT theory is introduced by the Marxist and criticized by different scientific management authors. The labor process theory is concerned with shifting the relationship between the organization and technology with the arguments that technologically develop new accounting system. In the ideal enterprises, the technology needs resources and deploys it for capital accumulation. Although, technology is a capital weapon that is used in labors domination. The organizations today are looking forward to the crystallized outcomes of this ongoing battle. According to the Lixin Han, Labour Process is the dynamics of social and o rganizational change. Marx defined labor process in which nature and man both practices are noticed. The man on his own settlement usually starts changeable, controlling and consider the material reaction. It is the theory between the man himself and the nature of the human himself opposes the nature through one of its own forces like settings of arms, legs, hand, and head. In order to produce appropriate natural process, it is required to adopt own wants. The major factor of labor process is the purposeful personal man’s activity and the understanding of work subject to the instruments handling. The labor process theory is about the controlling the power of labor that is the human ability to perform work. There are three dimensions of technological change like a transformation of work, its changes and controlling. The replacement of human-machine combination requires many dimensions over time. In order to improve the technology transformation, the innovative factors are focu sed on the point of a production process that is based on limited factors. Like textile industry involves spinning and weaving process is simplified through technological evaluation.

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Breast Cancer Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1

Breast Cancer - Research Paper Example The risk of breast cancer increases with her age. A family history also enhances risk of breast cancer. It is pertinent to notice that in 1970s, the risk of breast cancer was less than 10 percent that increased to almost 12 percent in 2005 increasing further to 12.4 percent in 2007. As per the current findings, risk of breast cancer at age 30 is 1 in 227 that increases to 1 in 42 at age 50 and further increases to 1 in 26 at age 70. Thus, age is the largest risk factor of breast cancer. Genetic changes in genes such as BRCA1 and BRCA2 are also responsible for occurring breast cancer (National Cancer Institute, 2014). Breast cancer does not have any noticeable symptoms in its initial stage. Lumps or swelling may be noticed in some cases though such symptoms are also found in non-cancerous condition. Routine monthly breast self-exam is suggested by health experts to detect any abnormality in the breasts. Annual mammogram is recommended for a woman having crossed age 40. Early diagnosis always helps to treat the patient completely. Patient evaluation is done following the diagnosis of breast cancer. Selection of therapy will depend upon the stage of disease, the age and menopausal status, the PR and ER status report of the tumor, proliferative capacity of the tumor. Breast cancer is treated by combination of one or several therapies such as radiation therapy, chemotherapy or hormone therapy (National Cancer Institute, 2014). Being physically active, maintaining a proper weight and limiting alcohol intake reduces risk of breast cancer. Regular screening is essential to prevent breast cancer reaching to an advanced stage (American Cancer Society (2013). If statistics is to be believed, breast cancer is certainly on rise in last few decades. So far, medical science is unable to understand the real causes behind breast cancer. It is fully curable when detected early and for that annual screening after age 40 is

Saturday, July 27, 2019

How to fix the stray animal problem in Austin,texas Essay

How to fix the stray animal problem in Austin,texas - Essay Example Among all stray animals dogs occupy the foremost position which over 500 million. This phenomenally large number has emerged as serious predicament for animal welfare organizations as these stray dogs suffering from hunger and illness seek sanctuary in human communities where they are generally seen as a nuisance by people living alongside them. Moreover diseases caused by the bites of dogs such as rabies and distemper are extremely fatal and are not easily curable. (Austin pet Directory) Lack of knowledge and widespread unawareness about the problem has further worsened the problem. Communities in developing countries often take barbaric steps to solve this problem which includes measures like electrocuting dogs or simply shooting them. These appalling methods afflict great pain on the animal and simultaneously are not beneficial in long term as they fail to identify the root causes of the problem. (Wild Life Removal) The city of Austin has always been certified as a 'bird sanctuary' city which can be vindicated from the fact that the city administration has allocated thousands of acres of land to preserve the species and habitats of salamanders and warblers, but concurrently the city lacks greatly when it comes to providing help to animals once they are out of their protected environment and are found injured in the backyard of someone's residence. (ci. Austin)It is commendable to see that over a period of a year or two developments in this particular segment has been phenomenal. The administration of the city has been formulating effective strategies in collaboration with non-governmental organizations to address this issue at a suitable platform. Many organizations and associations which include prominent names like Protection for Animal and Welfare Services or PAWS, Shadow Cats Rescue, The Central Texas SPCA and ARF. All these organizations are playing a laudable role to counter the looming t hreat of stray animals in the city. Among all of these the role of PAWS has been instrumental in every sense. The prime objective of this non-governmental organization is to increase awareness among people by initiatives like educational campaigns and promotion of human standards to prevent cruelty to animals. In addition to this it also focuses on providing shelter to homeless animals and help in the reduction of domestic animal overpopulation. PAWS have also been working in joint ventures with Texas VOAD (Voluntary Organization Active in Disaster) and UAN (United Animal Nations) in natural disasters. (Bats Specialist) In conjunction to this another prominent name is that of Spay Austin Coalition a group of individuals in Austin working collectively to increase acquaintance about stray animals by means of education, resources and opportunities to weather the over-population problem of such animals in the city. Town Lake Animal Center is the largest animal rehabilitation center situated in Central Texas which provides shelter to over 23,000 stray animals found in the city of Austin and other areas adjoining it. The center which has been developed in conjunction with the ASPCA focuses on training people ways by which they can identify and report cases of animal cruelty. (Austin Pet

Friday, July 26, 2019

Should the UK join the Euro currency Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 9750 words

Should the UK join the Euro currency - Essay Example The appearance of euro in 1999 and its acceptance by 11 countries of European Union (at a primary stage) has been the most significant effort of the Community towards this direction. Since its introduction euro has verified the provisions referring to its success. However, there are countries of the European Union that have not been convinced on the stability of the new (common) currency and for this reason are still reluctant in entering the European Monetary Union (EMU). Sweden and UK are the most representative examples of the above phenomenon. Particularly regarding Britain, the country’s position towards euro has been considered as crucial mostly because of the role of this country to the development of the global financial markets. The participation of UK in the European monetary union has been chosen because of the importance of this issue for the social, financial and political context in Britain. Moreover, the specific issue has been extensively examined as it presents a series of difficulties that create severe problems to the realization of the relevant project. More specifically, the participation of Britain in the monetary union as it has been formulated and applied in the members of EU has been doubted as of its feasibility. The existing differences between UK and the European Union have been found to be a lot. In fact, the difference in currency is not the only one existed between Britain and the other members of European Union.

IBM Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

IBM - Assignment Example Additionally, the change of design will increase the company’s market relevance. This is based on that the company has spent many years practicing in technology and hardware production. Regardless of the fact that it has become the company trademark, it would be beneficial for the organization to create make their customers have a new interest in it. However, this quest may be disastrous for the organization (Kerzner 44). The transition to switch its business operations may not be well perceived in the market. This is based on that the company has been in the hardware industry for numerous years thus making it a reliable practice in the industry. The market acceptance of a new venture may not be positive. Additionally, technology and hardware creation industry is developing significantly. Exiting from the industry may not be a great strategy considering the high consumer consumption level. On an internal basis, the transition may require major internal changes to ensure effect ive and comfortable move to a new business design plan (Kerzner 49). Outsourcing refers to the ability of seeking an external source for partaking of company practices. For instance, a company may seek marketing services from another company. In regards to IBM, provision of outsourcing services would change the organization’s exposure and approach to risk. When an organization seeks outsourcing services, they seek to minimize their exposure to risk as well as means by which they share the risk (Kerzner 66). For an organization providing the services, they would be required to share the risks presented to them. In addition, risks experienced when conducting business on behalf of the organization may not be shared by the customer. This would be the same in IBM. The organization will be exposed to numerous risks on business it does not own. However,