Tuesday, January 28, 2020

Relationship Outside of the Strange Situation Essay Example for Free

Relationship Outside of the Strange Situation Essay The attachment of an infant to his mother is an important part of development. A mother is the first experience of love and care that the child will ever have. This attachment also has important implications in the development of the child and even into adulthood. Children develop styles of attachment depending on their experiences with their caregivers and with their mothers. There are different attachment styles that have been identified in children. The first one is secure attachment, anxious-ambivalent attachment, anxious-avoidant attachment and disorganized attachment (Cassidy Shaver, 1999). Theorists and scientists have identified the Strange Situation Protocol to be the most common method in studying attachment in infants. The Strange Situation Protocol is also the most empirically supported method for assessing attachment. Based on the behavior of the infant in relation to their mothers or caregivers, they are grouped into the different kinds of attachment already identified. It should be noted, however, that attachment does not stem from the thinking of the child. Rather, it is a feature of the relationships of the infant to different people. In early childhood, the child may exhibit different kinds of attachment. Yet beyond the age of four, children may settle for one particular kind of attachment (Greenspan, 1993). Studying Attachment Beyond the Strange Situation Protocol The Strange Situation Protocol (12 months to 20 months) is the most popular method in measuring attachment in children. Pederson and Moran (1996) decided to investigate children’s attachment outside of the Strange Situation. Their study, â€Å"Expressions of the attachment relationship outside of the strange situation,† observed 41 preterm infants together with 38 full-term infants at home with their mothers. These infants were at observed during their 8 months and 12 months of age. They were also observed within the Strange Situation at 18 months. The purpose of the study is to compare the attachment expressions in the two distinct settings. The researchers looked at the four different kinds of attachment relationship expressions. They discovered that there is an 84% concordance in the differences between secure and non-secure attachment relationship at home for infants at 12 months old. Avoidant relationships at this stage also displayed very high concordance. In addition to this, the study also found out that around 30% of the dyads were classified with ambivalent attachment at home and in the Strange Situation. The mothers in secure relationships at the Strange Situation were more sensitive on the 8 and 12 months as compared to mothers who displayed ambivalent and avoidant relationships. On the other hand, the mothers in non-secure relationships did not display any marked difference in their sensitivity. In the Strange Situation, those infants in secure relationships displayed the characteristics of having effective secure base behavior. Moreover, they also displayed physical contact and affectionate sharing. During the 12-month home observations, these infants were easier to deal with because they were not very difficult to interact with. The research method of the study was naturalistic as the researchers observed the infants at home. They managed to take note of the way that the infants related with their mothers. At the strange situation, however, the approach became more manipulative because of the requirements of the protocol. In addition to this, the authors looked at several variables pertaining to the expressions of attachment relationships. They looked at the reunion behaviors, the reactions of children to their mothers and to other persons that they are interacting with. The reactions of the children to strangers, to caregivers and to the mothers were logged. The reaction of the children to the return of their parents was also noted by the researchers. To analyze the research problem effectively, the researchers studied infants in two different settings: at home and at the strange situation. In addition to this, they also observed the subjects in different ages—at 8 months, 12 months and 18 months, which is already included in the Strange Situation. As a control group for the variable, this enabled the researchers to understand the differences in attachment of the children in different situations and at different stages of their development. The researchers utilized unobtrusive observations in the home setting where they observed the natural tendencies of children and their relationships with the members of the household. They pre-determined the kinds of behavior and relationships they were looking after and noted their observations. As the study progressed, they compared their notes and established looked at the kinds of attachment relationships for analysis. The researchers explored the literature on the Strange Situation, the studies conducted concerning the observations of infants and their attachment relationships at home and the limitations of observing infants within the Strange Situation Protocol. Given these developments in the literature, they found out that there is a lack of studies focusing on the attachment relationships beyond the Strange Situation Protocol. The main contribution of the study is the way that they observed infants beyond the Strange Situation. This enabled them to make comparisons as to the development of attachment relationships of younger infants and compare that with findings within the strange situation. The presentation of the findings of the study is not very clear. One way to improve this would be stating the findings in terms that could be better understood by readers and not only by intellectuals and scientists. The inclusion of diagrams and tables would also greatly help in understanding the results of the study and its application in the lives of mothers and their developing children. There are no apparent ethical issues that can be discerned in the study. Observing the infants and their mothers at home, however, can yield some important ethical considerations in the study. It may be seen as disrupting on the processes and relationships of the family members. In addition to this, the child may also be alerted by the presence of the researcher and this could have potential impact on the exploration of a toddler of the house. This should also be factored into the study. The way that the study compared attachment relationships of children below the Strange Situation is laudable. The study could be further explored by studying the attachment relationships of children beyond the Strange Situation. The researchers studied children at 8 months, 12 months and 18 months. The study could be further improved by studying children beyond the 20 months of the Strange Situation. This way, the study could yield important insights in the utility or inadequacy of the Strange Situation as method of measuring attachment relationships. Conclusion The study of Pederson Moran (1996) helps in understanding the Strange Situation and the way that infants develop attachment relationships at an age that falls below the strange situation. Their findings suggest that there are not much important differences in the way that non-secure mothers and infants develop attachment in the strange situation and outside of it. However, for those with secure relationships and ambivalent ones, there is concordance and better long term development of attachment. This has implications in the way that children should be treated during their infancy. Reference Cassidy, J. , Shaver, P. , (Eds). (1999) Handbook of Attachment: Theory, Research, and Clinical Applications. New York: Guilford Press. Greenspan, S. (1993) Infancy and Early Childhood. Madison, CT: International Universities Press. Pederson, D. R. Moran, G. (1996). Expressions of Attachment Relationship Outside of the Strange Situation. Child Development, 67, 915-927.

Monday, January 20, 2020

Creation of the American Constitution :: American America History

Creation of the American Constitution A constitution is the legal structure of our political system, establishing governmental bodies, determining how their members are selected, and prescribing the rules by which they make their decisions. The nation's founders, fifty-five men, met in Philadelphia in the summer of 1787 to write a new constitution and to form a new government. George Washington was elected chairman of the convention.The founders were all very well-educated. Over half the delegates had collage degrees, which was rare in the North American continent at that time. They also had experience in governing. More than forty of the delegates held high offices in state governments, including three who were governors. The founders believed in the idea that the purpose of government was the protection of individual life, liberty and property. Following the election of George Washington as president of the convention, Governor Edmund Randolph of Virginia presented a draft of a new constitution .The Virginia Plan proposed a two house legislature. A lower house directly elected by the people of the states based on the population, and an upper house elected by the lower house.The congress was to have broad legislative power ,with veto over laws passed by state legislatures. The President and cabinet would be elected by legislature. The national judiciary would be elected by legislature , and their would be a "Council of Revision" with power to veto laws of Congress. Delegates from New Jersey , New York and Delaware did not agree to the Virginia Plan due to the great power delegated to the national government. William Paterson of New Jersey submitted a counterproposal .The New Jersey Plan proposed a one-house legislature, with equal state representation regardless of population. Congress had some legislative power, including levying some taxes and the regulation of commerce.The plan also proposed separate executive and judicial branches , elected by Congress and removable by petition from majority of state governors.The judiciary was appointed by the chief executive .The plan also included the supremacy clause , stating that the Constitution and federal laws would supersede over state constitutions and laws . After several months of debate , Roger Sherman of Connecticut came forward with a compromise.The Connecticut Compromise proposed a two-house legislature , with numerical representation in the directly elected House and equal state representation in the indirectly elected Senate. It also gave Congress broad legislative power, including the power to levy taxes and to regulate commerce . It proposed a single executive , chosen by an Electoral College .The judiciary would be appointed by the president and confirmed by the Senate .It also included the Supremacy Clause.

Sunday, January 12, 2020

How Are the Articles of Confederation Provided an Effective Form of Government

Question Analyze the degree to which the Articles of Confederation provided an effective form of government with respect to any two of the following Foreign relations, economic conditions, western lands Warrant The Articles of Confederation were designed to offer Americans the protection of a government without the tyranny associated with George III. During the time period in which they were in use, their effectiveness was tested through events dealing with foreign relations, economic conditions and the settlement of western lands.Resolution Although the Articles experienced some success in dealing with western lands, the general effectiveness of the articles was poor and created potential problems for the young nation. Claim Under the Articles a system was established for the successful settlement of western lands. Data The Land Ordinance of 1787 divided the Northwest Territory into six square mile townships and set aside one section of each township for public education. The Northw est Ordinance established the method by which the Northwest Territory was to be divided into states.Under this ordinance, there was to be no slavery in these territories and the population would determine a new state’s time of entering the union. These land ordinances were extremely effective and Grounds were utilized even after the Articles had been destroyed. Claim But not all of the events under the Articles were this successful. Grounds Internal economic conditions as well as foreign affairs developed in such a way that American livelihood was affected. ata After the Revolutionary War Britain maintained a stronghold in North America by maintaining their trading posts in the Northwest Territory. This action was in direct opposition to the terms agreed upon in the Treaty of Paris and dampened British-American relations. Since Britain was a major world power and America was only a fledgling nation, this posed a serious threat to the U. S. The British not only maintained thes e trading posts but encouraged Indian raids on American settlers and freely navigated the Great Lakes.Grounds This continuing British presence in the U. S. was a threat to American independence. Since Congress could not raise an army, it was difficult for the US to fight back. Data Within the states, inflation and individual debt because of hard money policies created unrest with the populace. Many farmers, like Daniel Shay, had sunk into debt because of unstable currencies of the states and resisted paying taxes to the states. Shay’s rebellion was a warning to the founding fathers of the ineptitude of the Articles of Confederation.There was no national army and an army of farmers from the surrounding area had to be raised to put down the revolt. Grounds This was the final event which brought the need for a new form of government to the attention of the American people. Analysis Thus, although the Articles brought about some success as America’s first form of governmen t, their ultimate achievements were minimal and proved that they could not offer the stability and protection demanded of a valid government.

Saturday, January 4, 2020

W. E. B. Dubois, Anna Cooper, And Karl Marx The Social...

In analyzing Jerome Karabel’s: Police Killings Surpass the Worst Years of Lynching, Capital Punishment, and a Movement Responds, in comparison to the writings of Karl Marx, W.E.B. Dubois, Charlotte Gilman, Anna Cooper, and Ida Wells-Barnett, the social problems revealed within the text address the social conflicts of society and how differing populations are faced with discrimination and oppression by those who are dominant in power. Jerome Karabel’s profound article specifically focuses on killings committed by the police as a growing social problem resulting from the most recent movement of racial injustice within the United States. All of these authors offer a unique perspective as they represent different populations within the United†¦show more content†¦In comparison to Karl Marx, Karabel notes how those who are subjected to incarceration are pushed out of the job market, disqualified from being permitted to feed their families with food stamps, allows f or a criminal-background check to affect their possibility of facing discrimination in their housing situation and this increases their chance of facing further incarceration later on. As Marx sees conflict as a necessary element of society, Karabel addresses it as a growing and unresolved issue. Through W.E.B. Dubois’ The Souls of Black Folk, he creates a unique narrative for the African American community and how they have undergone prejudice as a population of people. From his narrative, he derives this concept of a â€Å"veil† that African Americans face in American society and how they may develop a double consciousness as well. Through the concept of a double consciousness, those subject to this may develop separate identities through their ethnicity and through their identity as an American. This may create a conflict of identity within the individual and as a result, these individuals may undergo the negative effects of â€Å"the veil† that may limit these individuals socially and economically within a society. He blatantly states that the â€Å"criticism of writers by readers, of government by those governed, of leaders by those lead...this is the