Sunday, August 11, 2019

In the light of reverences Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

In the light of reverences - Assignment Example Different people see this mountain in different ways, so they use it according their own needs and ways of life. America is a country where everyone has a right for his/her own perception of such things like the Shasta mountain, but no one is an absolute owner of the land. 3. If I were a policy maker of the Park Service I would decide in favour of the Wintu tribe people. I consider that if their native land is not a reservation now we should leave them a chance to decide what to do at least with their sacred place. We can organize a ski resort on the hill of some other mountain while the history of this tribe is closely connected with this very place. Judging from what the Wintu people said about this mountain I can conclude that for them this place is much more important, because if the tribe is deprived of this mountain and the sacred spring it means that the people of Wintu are robbed of the opportunity to save their authentic culture, traditions and the core of their legends and history, while the other do not lose something

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